Your post could be dripping with gold nuggets, but if your headline is lackluster, no one is going to read it. The headline may be the only words your audience reads. Front-load your posts with hooks if you want to keep eyeballs scanning your words and read all of your content.
This starts with your headline.
So how do you come up with headlines that snag people’s attention?
Starting with the why since this is a continuation of Why Amazon Is Bad for Authors .
Building an email list is one of the most important things you can do as an indie author. You want an email list because you want access to your buyers, to your perfect reader, to your community.
I stopped using social media as a distraction and started using it for business in 2020. Before then, it had been a massive time-suck. There are studies that link too much social media with a high risk for depression, anxiety, self-harm, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. It boils down to comparison and feeling inadequate about your life or how your look.
So what do you do when you hate posting to social media, but it’s essential to your business?
You can make money in a lot of different ways as a writer. I wasn't aware of this years ago after I'd graduated high school. I'd been homeschooled my whole life so a guidance or career counselor weren't apart of our graduation process. I had to figure out at seventeen years old what I wanted to do for the rest of my life as a job, and I didn't pick writing. Back then, I didn't know that I liked writing as much as I did. If I had, I would have made different choices.
Since then, I've found resources and information about how to transition to become a full-time writer or pick it up as an additional income stream.

One downside to selling your book on Amazon is that you don’t have the readers/buyers’ information. You don’t know who bought your book, and you can’t communicate with them. This isn't an issue exclusive only to them if you sell through other distributors. (Where Should I Publish My Book?)
Amazon keeps the emails of everyone who shops with them, and they are not sharing. It would be irresponsible of them if they did. The only access you have directly with buyers and readers is the one you create. Amazon does allow you to create an author page. Part of your funnel can start there.