I've created a lot of content on this blog, my stories have been featured in three book anthologies, and my first book is releasing in January 2023. And there's plenty more where that came from. , and I have a few more in the works. I'm not saying that I'm THE expert above all others, but I am pretty successful as I define success. I didn't have "actual" experience when I started. Writing and business aren't what I went to college and got student loan debt for.
But I'm now a full-time writer and content creator. I make money with my words as a freelancer, and author, and sharing things online to help other women in corporate go creative. Even if they're introverts, and marketing is confusing, and they haven't done this before.
If you want to be successful as a writer with a readership, then there is one essential skill you need.

Your post could be dripping with gold nuggets, but if your headline is lackluster, no one is going to read it. The headline may be the only words your audience reads. Front-load your posts with hooks if you want to keep eyeballs scanning your words and read all of your content.
This starts with your headline.
So how do you come up with headlines that snag people’s attention?
Starting with the why since this is a continuation of Why Amazon Is Bad for Authors .
Building an email list is one of the most important things you can do as an indie author. You want an email list because you want access to your buyers, to your perfect reader, to your community.
Did you know you can be a professional writer without publishing a book?
Personally, I define writer as anyone who writes. Author is anyone who is paid to write, generally of books. You can be a professional writer but never publish a book.
Here is the billionth blog about how to start a blog. That might be one of your hang-ups. Everyone has already started a blog and written about everything. How are you going to stand out and be original?
You’re not supposed to do that. Just like Burger King, McDonald’s, Checker’s, and Whataburger haven’t come up with anything original either. They just bring their special thing to the same food.