I’m bare bones when it comes to writing. Laptop and internet connection, let’s go. But when I don’t have to “rough it”, I like my luxuries.
So here’s my list of essentials and extras — affiliate links included. No extra cost if you click through, but I get a percent of the sale and it helps me.
There are a few writing essentials I need – a laptop of course. While you might write your first drafts with pen and paper, eventually you’ll have to transition to a computer. I love pen and paper for sketching out ideas, and authors like Neil Gaiman often write their first drafts by hand.
I upgraded my laptop situation to a MacBook Air in 2020. I still don’t know what all the buttons do, but I love it especially for some of the software available on it. That’s been my biggest investment. The laptop is my only real essential, but the rest of these make things easier and more comfortable for me.
While Apple has extra accessories for their products, they are a bit out of budget at the moment. Because I rarely sit at my desk, there are three accessories I bought so I could write more comfortably.
I have an antique writing desk with a fold down top. I sanded and painted it over a period of two weeks, and I want to pass it down to my nephew. But I hate sitting at it. I’m usually on the floor or bed propped up with pillows. I must be able to cross my legs and sit comfortably. This lap desk is pretty simple besides the wrist pad. No bells or whistles. I probably use it 90% of the writing time.
I bought the milk tea version of this keyboard, basically tans and neutrals. There’s green and blue color options as well. It’s full size, battery powered, and clackity. I love it for that, because the sound makes me happy. If you hate noisy keyboards, I wouldn’t recommend it for you. It has a small USB adapter you have to plug into your computer. If you have an Apple, then you’ll need this converter, or one like it because they have different ports.
Last but not least, I need my blue light glasses. They’re inexpensive and come in two and different combinations. I don’t need a prescription - yet - and just needed something that would prevent headaches and eye strain. These do that for me.
And those are my essentials and extras. You really don’t need a lot to get started. This is all my hardware I use, but I’ll share my software essentials and extras another time.
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