I found it really challenging to find readers and build a community. Writing and publishing a book to market is a great accomplishment, but a book needs readers to be worth the effort.
Marketing is a huge aspect that I wasn’t prepared for, but it can be a lot of fun. Rather than feeling like marketing is this terrible overwhelming thing you have to do, think of it as this wonderful opportunity you have to meet new readers. Using content marketing to funnel readers to you can be fun and easy and you can make new connections with people you wouldn’t have otherwise.
When it comes to social media, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The Tik Tok and Snapchat craze, the Instagram Reels and IGTV, there’s so much content to watch, so many places to be. It can be overwhelming knowing where to show up and engage as a creative entrepreneur. As an introvert and HSP, I get it. And you’d think I’d be despairing the emergence of yet another new social media, but I’m actually here for this one.
Hear me out.