I've created a lot of content on this blog, my stories have been featured in three book anthologies, and my first book is releasing in January 2023. And there's plenty more where that came from. , and I have a few more in the works. I'm not saying that I'm THE expert above all others, but I am pretty successful as I define success. I didn't have "actual" experience when I started. Writing and business aren't what I went to college and got student loan debt for.
But I'm now a full-time writer and content creator. I make money with my words as a freelancer, and author, and sharing things online to help other women in corporate go creative. Even if they're introverts, and marketing is confusing, and they haven't done this before.
If you want to be successful as a writer with a readership, then there is one essential skill you need.

I read "We Should All Be Feminists" in less than an hour with a toddler and 9-year-old underfoot. I wrote a review for it here, but there are several takeaways from the book from an author's perspective I want to share. Being a successful indie author can take many paths and lead to many destinations for each person. So maybe the lessons I found from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie will help you.
When you’re full-time – as an employee, parent, student or whatever – and writing on the side, you may not think you have the time to market. Juggling everything can feel like too much. You already need time to write the book as it is. And while you might think buying ads is the best way to market yourself, it’s not.
You can make money in a lot of different ways as a writer. I wasn't aware of this years ago after I'd graduated high school. I'd been homeschooled my whole life so a guidance or career counselor weren't apart of our graduation process. I had to figure out at seventeen years old what I wanted to do for the rest of my life as a job, and I didn't pick writing. Back then, I didn't know that I liked writing as much as I did. If I had, I would have made different choices.
Since then, I've found resources and information about how to transition to become a full-time writer or pick it up as an additional income stream.

I quit my job with one potential client set up. It was almost a done deal, a sure thing for the year. Discovery calls done, the scope of work understood, proposal sent and pending. A new virtual assistant, inexperienced, but I had a paying client ready for me.
Or did I?