I've created a lot of content on this blog, my stories have been featured in three book anthologies, and my first book is releasing in January 2023. And there's plenty more where that came from. , and I have a few more in the works. I'm not saying that I'm THE expert above all others, but I am pretty successful as I define success. I didn't have "actual" experience when I started. Writing and business aren't what I went to college and got student loan debt for.
But I'm now a full-time writer and content creator. I make money with my words as a freelancer, and author, and sharing things online to help other women in corporate go creative. Even if they're introverts, and marketing is confusing, and they haven't done this before.
If you want to be successful as a writer with a readership, then there is one essential skill you need.

Your post could be dripping with gold nuggets, but if your headline is lackluster, no one is going to read it. The headline may be the only words your audience reads. Front-load your posts with hooks if you want to keep eyeballs scanning your words and read all of your content.
This starts with your headline.
So how do you come up with headlines that snag people’s attention?
Self-publishing allows anyone to become an author. It’s the dream of millions to be a published author, to share their stories, and make a great income doing it. In the past, self-publishing looked like finding a printer, painting hundreds upfront to have the book printed, and selling copies out of the back of your car. But technology has expanded, and publishing can be as simple as uploading your manuscript and cover files. Your book can be available as a print-on-demand book or ebook and sent all over the globe. There are other aspects involved in fully optimizing the publishing process. One thing at a time. Where do you publish?
Speak life over and be an encouragement to the little humans around you.
I hate when I make mistakes. It’s in my brain that mistakes are bad, and if I make one, I’m bad. My childhood wasn't full of a lot of praise or validation when I did well. But I literally cried when I got a C or something one time in college. Yes, I was that* person.
I would do something and say to myself, “Wow, I’m dumb for that.”
Starting with the why since this is a continuation of Why Amazon Is Bad for Authors .
Building an email list is one of the most important things you can do as an indie author. You want an email list because you want access to your buyers, to your perfect reader, to your community.