Speak life over and be an encouragement to the little humans around you.
I hate when I make mistakes. It’s in my brain that mistakes are bad, and if I make one, I’m bad. My childhood wasn't full of a lot of praise or validation when I did well. But I literally cried when I got a C or something one time in college. Yes, I was that* person.
I would do something and say to myself, “Wow, I’m dumb for that.”
I stopped using social media as a distraction and started using it for business in 2020. Before then, it had been a massive time-suck. There are studies that link too much social media with a high risk for depression, anxiety, self-harm, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. It boils down to comparison and feeling inadequate about your life or how your look.
So what do you do when you hate posting to social media, but it’s essential to your business?
I started journaling around five years ago. At that time, I was unemployed, depressed, and lost. I had no idea what I was going to do next or what I wanted to do. Make money seemed like a good idea, but who just wants to work for money? I knew I wanted more than just a job, but when you have zero, starting with income somewhere anywhere seems like a priority.
One of my coaches challenged me to create a list of ten things I'm grateful for every day. Gratitude is such a powerful practice that can shift the mind and heart into both a place of contentment, into being present. I have been out of touch with my own presence within my body. I have had a habit of residing inside my mind, in past and future space.
Sometimes, it has been difficult to simply be here.
But I am here, and I choose to be grateful for my space, the where I've been, and where I am. Where I will. But first, here.
I am grateful:
1. for quiet evenings in my living room with my mother watching nostalgic and ridiculous television. 2. a kitchen full of food. 3. a warm furnished home. 4. the luxury of electricity. 5. the community found in social media and the connections that would never be made otherwise. 6. Daddy's old Ford truck with a tricky accelerator. 7. money in the bank to cover eye doctor appointments. 8. my breath in my lungs. 9. my sight as I watch my nephews grow into little men. 10. tears.