Speak life over and be an encouragement to the little humans around you.
I hate when I make mistakes. It’s in my brain that mistakes are bad, and if I make one, I’m bad. My childhood wasn't full of a lot of praise or validation when I did well. But I literally cried when I got a C or something one time in college. Yes, I was that* person.
I would do something and say to myself, “Wow, I’m dumb for that.”
Is it possible to become less introverted?
Introverts are wired differently. We literally have a different sensory experience. We take everything in and process it all. Everyone does and but introverted brains are just a bit EXTRA(ordinary. Y’all are seen and heard and lovedđŸ˜‰)
I used to be overwhelmed by my feelings and emotions. Writing was and is one of my methods for working through them. When I don’t express myself creatively, I start to feel shut down. I’ve learned that I’m quite hyper sensitive to…life sometimes đŸ˜…. And I’m not the only one.

Years ago, I deleted a story because one person didn’t like it. (Fan fiction was a big part of my writing career in the beginning). They poked holes in the plot and didn’t like my main characters. Their feedback haunted me, and I felt awful when I tried to keep writing. I overthought it, and things spiraled around my introvert brain until I just — click-delete.
Bye-bye, story…
I started journaling around five years ago. At that time, I was unemployed, depressed, and lost. I had no idea what I was going to do next or what I wanted to do. Make money seemed like a good idea, but who just wants to work for money? I knew I wanted more than just a job, but when you have zero, starting with income somewhere anywhere seems like a priority.