I stopped using social media as a distraction and started using it for business in 2020. Before then, it had been a massive time-suck. There are studies that link too much social media with a high risk for depression, anxiety, self-harm, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. It boils down to comparison and feeling inadequate about your life or how your look.
So what do you do when you hate posting to social media, but it’s essential to your business?
An author asked me recently about not getting feedback on her newly released book. When I asked her what marketing she'd done, she said she hadn't done anything. I'm not sure exactly why she didn't do market it. You wouldn't open a new store in your town and not tell people about it in some way or another. The only brand that can release new content without marketing and make a billion dollars is Beyonce. The rest of us have to do a little more. There are a lot of factors that go into becoming a successful author. One way that separates success from failure is marketing.
Buying ads is the best way to get found online, right?
Wrong! Absolutely wrong for several reasons.
One of the biggest is that you can’t afford it. The platforms that sell ads are raising their prices anyway and have been for some time. They don’t really care about your $200 ad spend. Their target audiences are the huge corporations who are dropping millions of dollars a month on ads.
When you’re full-time – as an employee, parent, student or whatever – and writing on the side, you may not think you have the time to market. Juggling everything can feel like too much. You already need time to write the book as it is. And while you might think buying ads is the best way to market yourself, it’s not.
Copywriting and content writing aren’t the same. They serve two purposes.
Content writing is informational and entertaining overall. It’s your blog posts and books, and social media captions.
Copywriting is demonstrative and compelling. It serves to move a reader to make a decision — to buy or opt-in an email list or whatever offer.
It’s persuasive writing.