An author asked me recently about not getting feedback on her newly released book. When I asked her what marketing she'd done, she said she hadn't done anything. I'm not sure exactly why she didn't do market it. You wouldn't open a new store in your town and not tell people about it in some way or another. The only brand that can release new content without marketing and make a billion dollars is Beyonce. The rest of us have to do a little more. There are a lot of factors that go into becoming a successful author. One way that separates success from failure is marketing.
Your book could be the most unique and perfect book ever written. But you don't tell anyone about it- not face to face, online, by email, or even in the mail. No one knows your book exists. There are millions of books on the market.
You don't have to buy a billboard or pay for ads to get your book in front of the right readers. You need a content marketing strategy, and you need to stick to it. For me, I have to plan out my content so I stay organized. My brain will have me thinking I already wrote and published a blog post when I actually just drafted it in my head. Or I'll come up with something, tap a few key points into my phone, and then forget about it.
I use technology a lot in my business -- the VA, copywriting, freelance, author, editor business -- but I still use analog pen and paper. It's better for my brain so I don't always have to look at screens. It overwhelms my brain a little bit. I also enjoy the tactileness of writing and crossing things off of my to-do list.
Because I'm picky, I created my own content planner, and because part of my passion is helping other authors, I made it available for sale. I created this content planner to help authors stay on top of their content marketing strategy. The Content Planner for Successful Indie Authors -- it's a 108-page coil ring-bound planner. There are enough pages to go for six months at a time and undated so you can pick it up at any time.
You may not know what content to post or how to come up with it, or where you need to send people. If you need help with that, then book a consult call with me. You and I can hop on a call and strategize your custom content plan so you can implement it. Or if you're more the "Do this for me" type, we can talk and see if we're a good fit to work together. Reach out and let's talk!

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