Did you know you can be a professional writer without publishing a book?
I define a writer as anyone who writes. An author is anyone who is paid to write, generally books. You can be a professional writer but never publish a book.
You could be a freelance writer and write articles. Journalist or blogging. Content or copywriting. Emails. Landing pages.
It might be the best career for introverts too.
Content writing is blog writing or social media captions or books. You’re sharing information and telling stories that entertain, educate, and encourage. This blog is content writing, and it’s something you can do for clients as well.
I have one client I do this for in the coaching and education niche. It’s a bit of a challenge since that’s not really my niche, but it’s still writing. Research is a big part of the job and something I enjoy.
Almost anything involving words and learning is fun for me.
Copywriting is different. It’s sales. It’s leading a reader to action, usually a buying decision.
When you’ve done a good job as a copywriter, then your words convert people into customers or clients.
It’s a part of a marketing funnel. A funnel is that thing leads flow through to go from random strangers to members of your community who know, like, and trust you. Those are the people who buy from you.
Even if you don’t want to be a professional copywriter, it’s good to be aware and understand this if you sell anything online as part of your business. You’d use copywriting on a sales or landing page, your home page on your website.
If you don’t have the time to learn that or don’t want to, then hire out. Reach out to me for your project, whether that’s brand messaging, crafting your site copy, or content writing.
If you want to add copywriting to your list of services as a freelancer, I created a 12-page guide on how to create your portfolio — without a client. Click here to buy your copy and get started on your freelance writing journey.