Copywriting and content writing aren’t the same. They serve two purposes.
Content writing is informational and entertaining overall. It’s your blog posts and books, and social media captions.
Copywriting is demonstrative and compelling. It serves to move a reader to make a decision — to buy or opt-in an email list or whatever offer.
It’s persuasive writing.

You can make money in a lot of different ways as a writer. I wasn't aware of this years ago after I'd graduated high school. I'd been homeschooled my whole life so a guidance or career counselor weren't apart of our graduation process. I had to figure out at seventeen years old what I wanted to do for the rest of my life as a job, and I didn't pick writing. Back then, I didn't know that I liked writing as much as I did. If I had, I would have made different choices.
Since then, I've found resources and information about how to transition to become a full-time writer or pick it up as an additional income stream.

February is when I feel I officially start a new year because that’s my birth month. I share a birthday with my dad, Morgan Harper Nichols, and Rosa Parks which I’ve always found interesting and fun.
So we're going to do a review and round-up of some highlights. This will be a long one so grab a coffee and snack.