Am I the only one who used to believe being an introvert meant that you hated people? (Please tell me I wasn’t😅)
Because the internet was still emerging when I was growing up and I just had the voices and adults around me tell me what they thought it meant.
People have strange misconceptions about what being an Enneagram 5 is like -- even other 5s do. We are the type most likely to lead from logic which makes sense because we're centered in the Head Triad. Everything is thought through, even our feelings.
We don't, if you reference the Enneagram diagram, have a direct link to either the Body Triad which leaves us a bit disconnected. There is a quote I've always loved -- yes, love, a genuine feeling -- from Sherlock Holmes or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, whichever you like.
"I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix."Read more...

One of my family members, someone close to me, saw my phone screen and laughed. Hurt immediately sparked in my chest, and I tensed as I tried to keep a flare of anger back.
You’re on your journey. It is a good path, and you have a purpose and destination. You are the only person on this path be cause it was made for you. So many beautiful and exciting things to see along the way, and it will bring you to an expected end.
But then you see someone else an a path next to you, and compare the roses on their side of the road to the daisies on yours.
They are on their path. They might be parallel to you, but they aren’t you and you aren’t them. Apples to oranges, or me to you.