How to Handle Criticism as an Introverted Writer

How to Handle Criticism as an Introverted Writer
Years ago, I deleted a story because one person didn’t like it. (Fan fiction was a big part of my writing career in the beginning). They poked holes in the plot and didn’t like my main characters. Their feedback haunted me, and I felt awful when I tried to keep writing. I overthought it, and things spiraled around my introvert brain until I just — click-delete.

Bye-bye, story…

How to Write Even When It Scares You

How to Write Even When It Scares You
Sometimes writing scares me. Maybe you can relate?

It usually doesn't feel like fear. It's not a breathless, panicking, but more of a static, unmoving, unmotivated lethargy that zaps all my creative energy. When I would have time to write, I don't.

Social media scrolls beckon. Reels to watch, books to read, TV shows to binge. Don't you dare tell me that it's just me.